Congratulations to Green Valley High School’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) for their outstanding performance at the 2019 Nevada FBLA State Business Leadership Conference.
- Our team of Ly Huyun, Shanya Mascarenas, and Bharathi Kosaraju are the State Champions in Publication Design!
- Damien Wricks took 3rd place in Accounting I, 8th place in Accounting II, and 7th place in Business Law.
- Karter Kares took 6th place in Sales Presentation.
- Tuff Donovan took 6th place in Political Science and 7th place in Marketing.
- Ly Huynh took 9th place in Introduction to Business Procedures.
- Locally, Green Valley brought home two awards. First place for largest increase in membership and third place for largest overall increase in membership.
Way to go Gators! Exemplifying our “Commitment to Excellence.”