Attendance Information

The level of collaboration between families and educators is an important predictor of student academic achievement.  CCSD has provided information on Effective Parent-School Communication in order to foster an active partnership with your child’s school.

AUP Authorization Form

The Clark County School district requires the completion of the Annual Release and Network Access Form by the parent/guardian.  All three sections must be completed: (1) Restrict Release of Directory Information; (2) Media and Public Release; and (3) Computer Network Access.

Once signed and dated, the form shall remain in effect until the end of the current school year.  However, at any time during the school year, the parent/guardian may revoke this permission for future use by notifying, in writing, the principal of the school.

Bank and GVHS Webstore

Green Valley High School’s bank is open Monday – Friday from 6:45 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. The accepted methods of payment are cash, cashier’s checks, credit cards (in-person only) and money orders.

CCSD is currently implementing a new and improved webstore system and the former webstore is no longer available.  We will provide a link to the new webstore via the button below as soon as it is made available to us.

Cafeteria & Food Services

If you would like to make a cafeteria meal payment for breakfast or lunch, please visit the My School Bucks website.

Clark County School District Food Service Department will be implementing the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program Green Valley High School and thus, all enrolled students at GVHS are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch every day for no charge during the 2022-2023 school year. More information about the CEP program is available via the buttons below.

If you would like to make a cafeteria meal payment for breakfast or lunch, please visit the My School Bucks website.

CCSD Crisis Response Plan

Green Valley High School and the Clark County School District place a high priority on protecting the safety of our student and employees.  In emergency situations, if everyone knows what to do, all involved can Stay Calm and Stay Safe.  Information about how you and your child can stay safe in an emergency is provided in both English and Spanish is available below.

Delivery Policy

Please be advised that “special deliveries” such as flowers, balloons, cookie bouquets, special lunches, etc., cannot be accepted. These items are a disruption in the classroom and pose a safety hazard in the hallways. We cannot hold onto these items until the end of the day and be held responsible if they are damaged or lost. Additionally, these items are not allowed on the school bus.

Also, we cannot accept money deliveries for students at the front desk. The school cannot accept the liability for money delivered to students. If a school/class fee is due, payments can be made at the school bank or our Web Store located on this site. Money can be placed into student lunch accounts at

Finally, pulling students out of the classroom to pick up money, homework and other forgotten items causes a disruption to their education. Except in emergency situations and at the discretion of Administration, students will not be removed from class.

Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.

DMV Attendance Form Request

Due to the school closure, DMV attendance forms are now being handled with this digital request form. Please be advised there is a 2-3 day turnaround.

Drug Testing Information

The Administration, faculty and staff of Green Valley High School have the responsibility to keep all our students safe from drug abuse, a behavior that destroys bodies and minds, impedes academic and a athletic performance, and creates barriers to success and happiness.  In accepting and undertaking this responsibility, Green Valley High School has implemented a comprehensive educational and administrative program to inform our students about the mental and physical consequences of drug abuse and to discourage and prevent our students from using drugs.

As part of this program in 2008, Green Valley High School implemented random drug testing of those students who want to represent the school on our athletic teams.  Parents of non-athletes will also have the option to have their child participate in the program.  This random drug testing program does not seek to punish students but to steer young people away from a destructive behavior and to identify students in need of drug treatment.  The random drug testing of students at Green Valley High School is an important component of our overall effort to protect our students from the dangers of drug abuse and provide a safe, healthy environment for our students, staff, parents and families on our campus and at our athletic events.

The initial cost of the random student athlete drug testing will be offset by a ten dollar fee that will be charged to each student athlete who turns in an athletic packet for any athletic team at Green Valley High School.  The fee for a parent who chooses to have their child participate in the program is also ten dollars.  The fee will apply only once per year and can be paid at the school bank.

To enroll your child in the Green Valley High School Random Student Drug Testing Program, please download the Parent Option Permit Form.   Being in this program in no way will place your child in a higher risk of receiving a punishment from Green Valley High School.  This program is meant as a another level of education and a deterrent to help us in our efforts to keep kids away from behaviors that will affect them later in their lives.


Effective Parent-School Communication

The level of collaboration between families and educators is an important predictor of student academic achievement.  CCSD has provided the below information (available in both English and Spanish) on Effective Parent-School Communication in order to foster an active partnership with your child’s school.

English Language Learners / Assembly Bill 195

Assembly Bill 195 revises provisions relating to pupils who are English learners to extend the rights of English learner pupils and parental rights. CCSD has made PDF versions of the rights described in Assembly Bill 195 (AB 195) available in a wide variety of languages, accessible by clicking the button below:

Non-Locking, Signal-Blocking Pouches

CCSD is taking an innovative approach to promote a healthy learning environment in the next school year: Students in Grades 6 to 12 must put away their cell phones while in the classroom. Students in middle and high school will place their phones in non-locking, signal-blocking pouches that will prevent cell phones and other devices from sending or receiving signals while inside the pouch. Please click the button below for more information.

Volunteer Information

CCSD welcomes and encourages parents, family members, and community members to volunteer in our schools and partner with us in our vision to ensure that all students progress in school and graduate prepared to succeed and contribute in a diverse global society.  Please read the guidelines and requirements to volunteer at a CCSD school.