Green Valley High School Academics

Our Commitment to Excellence in Academics

Green Valley High School will ensure the opportunity for excellence of the whole individual through an educational environment which encourages achievement, creativity, intellectual curiosity, and social and global responsibility.

Programs of Study

Advanced Placement Program

Advanced Placement

High School of Business

High School of Business

International Baccalaureate Program

International Baccalaureate

Career and Technical Education Program

Career & Technical Education

Nevada Seal of Biliteracy

The Nevada Seal of Biliteracy (NSOB) is a statewide initiative to acknowledge and award hardworking bilingual and multilingual students. On May 30, 2015, Nevada became the 13th state to implement a legislated statewide Seal of Biliteracy. By achieving the Seal of Biliteracy, students demonstrate they can speak, read, listen, and write in two or more languages at a high level of proficiency. The Clark County School District (CCSD) Curriculum and Instruction Division identifies candidates for this award verifies their language skills, and publicly recognizes students for their exemplary achievement.

Course Catalog & Fees

Click the appropriate button below to view Green Valley High School’s Course Catalog and Class Fees.