Counselors’ Corner

Counselors’ Corner2025-01-13T07:19:12-08:00

Our Mission

The Green Valley Counseling Department comprises of professional educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to the challenges presented by today’s diverse student population. We provide proactive leadership that engages all stakeholders in the delivery of programs and services to help the student achieve success in school.

As Green Valley counselors, we align and work with the school’s mission to support the academic achievement of all students as they prepare for the ever-changing world of the 21st century. The Green Valley Counseling Department is available to provide academic and career guidance, and brief personal/social counseling to help students through difficult times.


Kimberly Mahan
Dept Coordinator (A-Cam)
Adult Education liaison
(702) 799-0950 x4303

Max Johnson
Counselor (Can-Far)
NCAA liaison
CTE/Dual Credit liaison
(702) 799-0950 x4301

Leah Smith
Counselor (Fas-Hok)
AP Coordinator
Testing Coordinator
(702) 799-0950 x4304

Randi Houghton
Counselor (Hol-Mar)
College & Career Contact
Military/ASVAB Contact
(702) 799-0950 x4309

Liz Plese
Counselor (Mas-Pom)
Apex Coordinator
(702) 799-0950 x4305

Jessica Robinson
Counselor (Pon-Sor)
Title I/Project 150 Coordinator
(702) 799-0950 x4306

Kanesha Matlock
Counselor (Sos-Z)
Senior Awards Coordinator
HOPE Squad Coordinator
(702) 799-0950 x4302

Rosanna Dunhill
Counseling Secretary
(702) 799-0950 x4300

Registration Information

ONLINE Registration is Open for the 2024-2025 School Year

Online Registration is a 2 step process. Please be sure to complete BOTH steps to complete your student’s enrollment.

Step 1: Complete the online Registration at

Step 2: Submit Documentation – Documentation must be submitted to the school to complete your student’s enrollment. View the links below:

Registration Documentation

New to CCSD Students

  • Online Registration Number
  • Student’s ORIGINAL Birth Certificate
  • Parent/Guardian’s ID
  • Current power, gas, or water bill in Parent/Guardian’s Name
  • Updated Immunization Record
  • Transcript from Previous School

Step 3: for students new to CCSD, the above documentation must be submitted in person.  Please come into the office Monday-Friday between 7-10am with all documentation.

Current or Transferring CCSD Students

  • Online Registration Number
  • Parent/Guardian’s ID
  • Current power, gas, or water bill in Parent/Guardian’s Name

Step 3: for current or transferring CCSD students, the above documentation must be submitted in person.  Please come into the office Monday-Friday between 7-10am with all documentation.

Note: All required documents must be submitted at time of enrollment, partial submissions will not be accepted.

In-Person Registration

Monday-Friday In-Person Registration Walk-In Hours:
Monday-Friday 7-10AM

Registration Contact Information

Registrar Email address:
Registrar Fax Number: 702-799-0975

Grades 9 – 12 Curriculum

Click the appropriate button below to view the Curriculum.

Course Catalog & Fees

Click the appropriate button below to view Green Valley High School’s Course Catalog and Class Fees.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from the Clark County School District with a Standard High School Diploma, students must meet the required course work detailed in the the document provided below.

College & Career Support

Please see below for guidance regarding scholarships, college, careers, and apprenticeships.

Click below to access individual scholarship opportunities and applications:

As you prepare your application for college, you will find there are many different websites related to scholarships.

These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Clark County School District (CCSD) of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. CCSD bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

CommonApp: Each year, more than 1 million students apply to more than 900 Common App member colleges worldwide through this online college application platform. Learn more about applying through their first-year application by following their step-by-step guide HERE.

FAFSA: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid will open in December 2023 for students who will begin college in Fall 2024. Students seeking eligibility for federally-awarded grants, scholarships, work-study jobs, or loans must have a FAFSA filled out.  Go to to apply.


  • My Next Move – This resource allows students to search careers with key words, browse careers by industry, or discover a new interest. CLICK HERE to learn more.
  • NV WorkForce ConnectionsCLICK HERE to explore scientifically-backed visual personality assessments, designed to be completed in under two minutes. The assessment is available on any mobile, tablet, or desktop device.
  • Jobtimize – Jobtimize helps match employers with the right people and jobseekers & students with the right careers. CLICK HERE to learn more.
  • Career One Stop – This resource is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor and can help with career exploration, locations for training, building resumes, practicing for interviews, and more. CLICK HERE to access those resources.


Learn more about registered apprenticeships here:

For information about upcoming college visits, please CLICK HERE.

Social & Emotional Support

If you or someone you know is experiencing feelings or thoughts of harm to self or others, please contact 911, gain transport to an emergency room, or reach out to Safe Voice at 1-833-216-SAFE or visit

Please see below for resources that can assist during difficult times.

  • Care Solace: Answer a few short questions and receive a list of referrals for counseling/therapy.
  • Project 150: Find assistance with meals, clothing, school supplies, and more.
  • The Trevor Project: The Trevor Project provides support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth.

Credit Retrieval Options

There are multiple options for students who must make up credits towards their graduation requirements.

Please note that students seeking NCAA eligibility must notify their counselor prior to enrollment in any of these programs.

Summer school offerings will be released in April, but students may begin credit recovery during the school year. Please see below for information on various credit retrieval programs, and reach out to your student’s counselor to sign up.

Students may take most core classes through the Apex online program. Please note that P.E. and Computer Science & Technology are not offered through Apex at this time. Pre-tests (if applicable), end-of-the-unit tests, and final exams must be taken in-person. All other coursework can be completed at home. Students are responsible for all coursework and progress monitoring. Each class is $25. Fees can be paid to the school bank via cash, cashier’s check, or money order (NO personal checks). Payments can also be made using the web store. Each completed Apex class will grant 1/2 of a credit.

EdGenuity is an online learning program offered through CCSD’s Adult Education, and facilitated through GVHS. Students must be at least 16 years of age, and a current junior or senior, in order to qualify for this program.

Core classes are available at the regular level only. All four semesters of Personal Fitness & Wellness (which satisfy physical education credit) are available through EdGenuity, as well as Health and Computer Science & Technology.

Students may take a pre-test at the beginning of the course to assess their proficiency with the subject matter. The course will be tailored to their proficiency level upon completion of the pre-test. Students will then complete the course and a study guide. Credit will be awarded upon successful completion of the final exam.

Teachers will be available after school, Monday through Thursday, to assist with pre-testing, coursework, and final exams.

Each class is $50, and will grant 1/2 of a credit upon successful completion of the course’s final exam. Payments may be made using the web store, or paid to the banker with cash, cashier’s check, or money orders. Please note that no personal checks will be accepted.

Regular attendance is not mandatory.

Nevada Learning Academy is an online CCSD school that offers dual enrollment to students who are attending other CCSD high schools. Students may take a maximum of 2 classes through NVLA, per semester, in addition to their GVHS courses. Each class is $50, and will award 1/2 of a credit. Students are responsible for all coursework and progress monitoring.

Students can take classes at the regular, Honors, or AP level through NVLA. Dual credit classes through CSN are also available to Green Valley students through NVLA’s JumpStart program.

Please CLICK HERE for NVLA’s course catalog.

NOTE: Assignments given via NVLA classes have strict due dates. Students should log on to Canvas and work on their NVLA course(s) daily in order to avoid falling behind.

Cowan Sunset Southeast High School offers credit retrieval classes in person. All classes are free to CCSD students. Cowan Sunset HS is located at 5300 E. Russell Road. Course offerings include core classes, P.E. and electives.

Classes are delivered between 3:30 PM and 9:30 PM. Regular attendance at Cowan is mandatory to earn credit.

Please reach out to your counselor to sign up.

NCAA Academic Requirements

College-bound student-athletes will need to meet the following academic requirements to practice, receive athletics scholarships, and/or compete during their first year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below for the answers to these frequently asked questions. CLICK HERE to contact your counselor with any additional questions.
How can a student change their schedule?2022-08-03T07:49:48-07:00

Classes are assigned based on the course selection form submitted prior to the start of school. Schedules will not be changed if a student has been placed in a class that was requested on this form.

Schedule changes will be made, however, if the student’s schedule contains a course that they have already passed, or if a certain class is required for graduation.

Changing a level (such as going from an honors-level course to a regular-level course) must be addressed via a parent/teacher conference prior to any changes.

What is the benefit of taking an AP class?2022-08-03T07:57:09-07:00

The AP Program is administered by the College Board. Advanced Placement Exams are developed by the Educational Testing Service.

In the spring of each school year, a cumulative exam is administered for each AP course. AP Exams are graded on a scale of one (minimum) to five (maximum). The cost for each exam (approximately $90) is paid for by the student. University credit is generally granted for exam scores of three and above, with five being the highest score.

AP courses receive a weighted factor of .050 per semester. Based upon students’ AP Exam scores, they may earn as many as 18 semester hours of college/university credit. This represents a significant financial savings to the parents of these students.

Please CLICK HERE to access the AP Credit Policy Search.

What are CTE classes?2022-08-03T08:07:42-07:00

Career and Technical Education (CTE) gives students the chance to gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts while learning technical skills.

CTE programs are designed to meet a need in the local community or job market and are aligned with related programs at Nevada’s public community and technical colleges. This allows students to easily continue their studies in college to earn a degree, diploma, or certification. More information about the CTE programs available to Green Valley High School students are available by CLICKING HERE.

CTE classes help students connect what they’re learning to the real world. It enables students to gain key skills that will help them get a job after graduation. It’s also a great way to explore career options and meet the people who work in them.

CCSD high schools have agreements with state and local community or technical colleges, including the College of Southern Nevada (CSN). This allows students to earn college credit at that college or at another college in the state system that offers a similar program.

Students in Nevada must complete a Career and Technical Education program of study with a 3.0 GPA in their content courses, pass an assessment in that area, and pass a test on the NV Employability Skills for Career Readiness Standards, in order to be eligible for certification and college credit.

For information about Green Valley High School’s CTE levels of study, please review our course catalog, available under the “Course Catalog & Fees” section above.

How many credits do students need to graduate?2022-08-03T08:09:01-07:00

The Standard Diploma and Adjusted Diploma require 23 credits.

The Advanced, Advanced Honors, and College & Career Readiness Diplomas require 24 credits.

For details on the categories in which credits must be earned, as well as GPA requirements for the Advanced, Advanced Honors, and College & Career Readiness Diplomas, please review the guidelines available in the “Graduation Requirements” section above.

Do students have to take a foreign language to graduate?2022-08-03T07:52:02-07:00

The Advanced Honors Diploma requires two years of the same foreign language.

The Standard Diploma, Advanced Diploma, and College & Career Diploma do not have a foreign language requirement.

Do students need to take a health and computer science class during high school?2022-08-03T08:10:21-07:00

Regarding Computer Science & Technology: 1/2 of a Computer Science & Technology credit is required for graduation.  Many CCSD middle schools offer this class to students for high school credit during sixth, seventh, or eighth grade. Please view your unofficial transcript to see if you have already earned this credit.  You can access your unofficial transcript by logging into Infinite Campus, clicking on “Documents”, and then clicking on “Unofficial Transcript.”

Regarding Health: 1/2 of a high school health credit is required for graduation. Health classes taken for middle school credit will not satisfy this requirement. Students may satisfy this credit online during the school year, in-person at GVHS for one semester, or over the summer.

How do students sign up for sports?2022-08-03T07:54:17-07:00

Please CLICK HERE for information about athletics.

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