You may or may not know this but if you have an Amazon account you can now have a portion of your purchases automatically donated to the charity of your choice.

So, imagine that you wanted to donate money to a charity … let’s use Green Valley High School Alumni Foundation as an example…. :-).  It’s really simple:

If you are already signed up for Amazon Smile, just CLICK HERE before you begin shopping.

If you haven’t yet signed up for Amazon Smile, just:

  • Just click here or type the following URL address into your browser:
  • Once you get there you will see a box where you can search for a charity to donate to.  All you have to do is type in the name of the charity and if it is a registered 501(c)3 it will find it.
  • It will then bring up a page which says something like “I understand that to contribute to this charity I have to start each time at  You check the box and you’re done!

Amazon will then donate a percentage of your purchase to the charity of your choice.  It costs you nothing.  And yes, Green Valley High School Alumni Foundation is an option … just click the button below and happy shopping!  : )