Career and Technical Education (CTE) gives students the chance to gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts while learning technical skills.

CTE programs are designed to meet a need in the local community or job market and are aligned with related programs at Nevada’s public community and technical colleges. This allows students to easily continue their studies in college to earn a degree, diploma, or certification. More information about the CTE programs available to Green Valley High School students are available by CLICKING HERE.

CTE classes help students connect what they’re learning to the real world. It enables students to gain key skills that will help them get a job after graduation. It’s also a great way to explore career options and meet the people who work in them.

CCSD high schools have agreements with state and local community or technical colleges, including the College of Southern Nevada (CSN). This allows students to earn college credit at that college or at another college in the state system that offers a similar program.

Students in Nevada must complete a Career and Technical Education program of study with a 3.0 GPA in their content courses, pass an assessment in that area, and pass a test on the NV Employability Skills for Career Readiness Standards, in order to be eligible for certification and college credit.

For information about Green Valley High School’s CTE levels of study, please review our course catalog, available under the “Course Catalog & Fees” section above.